
FTM’s Firsthand Experience of Bias

Women in Science Face Biases: Yesterday’s Washington Post features a story about a neurobiologist who had a sex-change operation, switching from a female to a male (FTM = female to male). According to the story, after the scientist had his operation, he returned to work as a man and gave a talk. Another scientist, who did not know that his …

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ASC Voted as a Best Resource

We are Proud to Announce: Our ASC website has been voted a top rated mental health resource by Psych Central viewers. Since setting up our website over one year ago, we have heard from Deaf and hearing folks from all over the world. Many people ask us for referrals to psychotherapists in their areas. Others who are interested in working …

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Deaf Schools vs. Inclusion

The Irony of “Inclusion”: Here’s an article on Deaf schools from our northern neighbors. In the same way as in the United States, Canadian Deaf schools face threats of closure as a result of the push toward “inclusion” or mainstreaming students. Money issues are usually the main reason for efforts to shut down Deaf schools or change them in major …

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Psychiatric Service Dogs

Healing Hounds: Service dogs have been around for years, with most of them accompanying blind, mobility impaired, and even some Deaf people. A growing number of people, however, are now relying on service dogs for assistance in other ways, including support as they deal with mental health issues. Psychiatric service dogs (PSDs) have been helping people with depression, anxiety, and …

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Purchase of National Deaf Academy

Sold: In the news this week, the Florida-based National Deaf Academy (NDA) has been purchased by Psychiatric Solutions, Inc. (PSI). A residential treatment program for Deaf children, adolescents, and adults in need of intensive psychiatric care, NDA is one of the few inpatient programs in the United States that specifically serves the Deaf community. With the purchase of NDA, PSI …

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How Old is Old Enough?

Home Alone: We often have parents ask us when it is okay to start leaving their children home by themselves. It depends on what state you live in. Most states don’t have laws about specific ages, but do offer parents guidelines through local child protective services. Maryland is one of the few states with a law about this. Under Maryland …

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Slow Deaf Child

Deaf Children = Wild Animals?: You’ve probably seen those yellow signs by the roadside that announce “SLOW Deaf Child” or “Caution: Deaf Child Area”. Are these signs really necessary? Deer, cows, and ducks may occasionally have their own signs, but do Deaf children need them? Deaf children are not wild animals. They can be taught how to play outside and …

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