
Autism: Deaf Mother’s Tie Story

Important Autism Lesson Mother Learned Raising a son with autism: Tammy Jo, parent of a Deaf child with autism, shares a story about raising her son. Through this important lesson she learned, we can all benefit and increase our understanding of how to interact with children with autism. Son Identifying his Autism: Hi, my name is Tammy Ellis. I would …

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Deaf Parent’s Suicide Grief

Terrylene shares the profound grief she experienced upon her son’s death.  For me, grief was a foreign word until it comes crashing down on my life. In human being experience and life milestones such as finding love, getting married, first day of school. Grief is part of human being milestones. Grief cannot and will not escape humanity. My world now …

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Loving Day: Deaf Interracial Relationships

June 12 is Loving Day in the USA. This day celebrates the anniversary of the 1967 Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia. Interracial marriages were banned in Virginia and other 15 states in 1924. A Deaf woman, Debbie Colbert, shares her story about being in interracial relationships and how she dealt with people’s opinions. Video transcript provided by Debbie Colbert: …

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How to Say No to Your Children

Transcript Sharon Duchesneau: Many of us parents have experienced trying to tell our children “no”, only to be met with arguing, giving us a hard time or refusing to accept our decision. How do you teach children that “no” means “no”? Consistency is Important The most important thing is being consistent and sticking to what you said. When parents are …

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Early Healthy Deaf Identity vs. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention

As the 17th Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) annual national meeting opens in Denver, Colorado, this weekend, Deaf Counseling Center’s licensed therapist, Sheli Barber, reminds everyone attending of the importance of paying attention to the Deaf child’s healthy identity. When language and culture are made accessible to Deaf children, the years of therapy needed to unpack the trauma associated …

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Deaf and Transgender Since Birth, Meet Dominice

Role Models for Parenting a Transgender Child: Read this beautiful story about two Deaf parents and their now 9-year old Deaf child’s transition journey from a boy to a girl. It is truly inspiring to see these parents respond with great sensitivity to their child’s emotional needs, even when they may fly in the face of conventionality and societal expectations. …

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In with Family, Out with Steps, Halves, & Adoptees

Vlog Summary: The holidays often mean families, and the words we use to describe our family relationships say a lot. Some families make a point of distinguishing between their biological children and their adopted children or their foster children. Even sisters and brothers may emphasize that so-and-so is a full sibling, while another family member is a half sibling. Sharon …

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